Quick & Accurate Harmonized System Classification at an Affordable Price

Harmonized System Classification

The World Customs Organization (WCO) stipulates and maintains a universally acknowledged coding system tracking trading volumes. Widely known as the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), it also serves as an effective tool to calculate customs tariffs, fix import-export quotas, and gather economic statistics. Importers and exporters in almost every country rely heavily on the HS to track and analyze their foreign trade.

The HS code comprises six digits and this convention is followed by all the countries that come under the purview of WCO. To meet their local classification requirements different countries may add more characters to the original six-digit code. For example in Canada, a ten-digit code is used to determine the customs tariffs. In this code, the first six digits come from the universally accepted HS code and the last four digits depict the data collected from the local requirements.

Outsource Harmonized System Classification to SunTec India

In the harmonized coding system, all the traded commodities have been classified into 5000 major categories and sub-categories. To leverage this system in maintaining accurate trade data, calculation of tariffs, and tracking your import and export, you need a team of well qualified harmonized system classification experts. These professionals should have an in-depth understanding of the categories and years of industry experience. Hiring such resources not only adds to your financial woes but also makes your operations cumbersome and difficult to manage. SunTec India, a renowned outsourcing service provider with an industry vintage of more than 25 years not only gives you easy access to the right talent but also manages the whole life cycle of your harmonized system classification process.

Accurate Services, Fastest Turnaround Time

We at STI, provide customized HS coding services to Canadian customs brokerage companies. Our data entry and HS coding experts work in close coordination with your in-house team to ensure quick delivery of accurate HS coding services. As an outsourcing service provider of repute, we focus on accurate HS classification of goods under the right categories. Our experts use their domain expertise and access to the latest technology to deliver dependable services within the fastest turnaround time.

Leveraging Automation for HS Classification & Coding

STI uses its proprietary software to apply the right HS codes to the goods you deal in. Developed by our in-house software team this software helps our clients to reduce their time to market and stay ahead of the competition. Our application is flexible enough to be adapted to the needs of any country including the USA, Canada, and other North American countries.

Unique Benefits of Outsourcing HS Classification Services to SunTec India

  • Dedicated resources working exclusively for you as an extension of your in-house team
  • Extensive collaboration with your in-house team for quick delivery or customized services
  • ISO certified processes for data security and quality assurance
  • A dedicated project manager that acts as your own representative to supervise the work done by the team
  • Use of the latest technology to deliver bespoke services within the fastest turnaround time
  • Round-the-clock support to resolve all your queries in real-time
  • Experienced HS coding experts with ample industry experience and in-depth understanding of the HS coding processes
  • Free trial offered to clients who want to check the quality of services rendered

Discuss your Requirements with us Today!

Ensure your products meet global compliance standards with our Harmonized System Classification service. Our experts provide you with the exact HS codes needed for hassle-free customs clearance. Share your project requirements with us at info@suntecindia.com and take the first step towards streamlined trade compliance.

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We used SunTec recently and were very impressed with their work. The results were very accurate data in a short timeframe. The staff were professional and thorough. We will not hesitate to use SunTec India again for future work, and would recommend them to other companies with similar requirements.

Adrian Dick, CallPlus Ltd.,
New Zealand
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