Category Archives: App Development

Legacy App Modernization Challenges

From Outdated to Optimal: Solving Legacy System Challenges

App Development
Legacy App Modernization Challenges

Are legacy systems slowing you down? Outdated technologies in these systems often stifle growth in a number of ways— increasing costs, slower processing speeds, and more security vulnerabilities.

In such a scenario, modernizing them isn’t just an option; it becomes necessity. As more and more businesses seek modernization solutions, the legacy application modernization services market is poised to grow from $15.2 billion in 2022 to $32.8 billion by 2027.

Read More From Outdated to Optimal: Solving Legacy System Challenges

Apple iOS 16 & iPhone 14 Release: Should You Upgrade Your App?

App Development, iOS
Apple iOS 16 & iPhone 14 Release

Apple released iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus on September 7, followed by iOS 16 on September 12. Beta releases for iOS 16 had already amped up developer expectations, so the release was much awaited. But, now that the new Apple mobile operating system is out in the open, we are seeing queries pour in from around the Apple developer community and mobile app enterprises, especially around app development and widget creation. 

Read More Apple iOS 16 & iPhone 14 Release: Should You Upgrade Your App?

Developing an App like Uber-Features, Models, and Cost Insights

App Development

Get your hands on all there is to know about the nitty-gritty of a taxi mobile app, features of Uber like app development, and critical insights into the cost structure for creating an app like Uber.

Developing an App like Uber-Features, Models, and Cost Insights By SunTec India

US$61 Billion- that is the total worth of the global ridesharing industry.

Ridesharing is a popular practice that nearly 25% of the US population uses once a month, at the very least. It is a welcome luxury, credits to its affordability and convenience. Plus, if projections are to be believed, the market value of ride-sharing apps could very well cross USD 185.1 billion by 2026.

Read More Developing an App like Uber-Features, Models, and Cost Insights

How to hire a mobile app developer: tips, cost, places to search & much more

App Development
How to hire a mobile app developer

The mobile app industry is thriving without any signs of slowing down. And so, are you planning to roll out your next big app? But before you do that, have you chosen your perfect professional mobile app development company? If not, this guide is just for you. With more than millions of app development companies and freelance mobile app developers, choosing the right one can be a daunting task. Isn’t it? But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, you can find all details about when, where, and how to hire a mobile app developer for your business.

Read More How to hire a mobile app developer: tips, cost, places to search & much more

Wondering how much does it cost to design a mobile app? Here’s a guide to answering all your questions

App Development

cost to design a mobile application

Building your next mobile app? Well, mobile app downloads are up by 23.3% since the COVID-19 Pandemic, and so developing a mobile app is a lucrative opportunity! But, have you ever wondered what makes a great mobile app to use? The answer is technology stack, app idea, user-friendliness, and a “great design”. While developing an app, many entrepreneurs fail mainly because of their negligence of app design. Primarily consisting of user experience, visual elements, and user interface, app design lays the foundation for the development process of the app. And so, a great app design is the key to your app success! But, are you wondering what is the potential app design cost & what factors influence the cost of app designing? Let’s find out in this blog…

Read More Wondering how much does it cost to design a mobile app? Here’s a guide to answering all your questions

Clubhouse App Development: A complete guide to create an app like Clubhouse in 2022

App Development

Build an App Like Clubhouse

The drop-in audio chat application Clubhouse has driven a storm in the social media market where users can interact, discuss, speak or listen to thousands of people globally via voice chat rooms. This application comes as an ideal platform in the social media application market that lets people chat with their buddies and connect with new individuals innovatively. Its unique approach is one of the significant reasons that it has gone viral in a short time, and now, many companies are looking to create an app like Clubhouse.

Read More Clubhouse App Development: A complete guide to create an app like Clubhouse in 2022