How Outsourcing Speed-up Businesses Data Processing Works

Data Processing

How Outsourcing Speed-up Businesses Data Processing Works

From the period 2010 to 2020, the amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed all over the world has increased from 1.2 trillion gigabytes to a whopping 59 trillion gigabytes, which is almost 5,000% growth! But are you still leaving your data untouched?

Most companies only analyze 12% of their data leaving behind 88% of data that goes unanalyzed, leading to lost opportunities & losses.

Want to leverage the power of data and make your business thrive?

The best way to do this is, outsource data processing services! Data today is no less than a gold mine today. Given the enormous amounts of data generated every day and the complexity involved, data processing has become an indispensable task for all businesses for strategic decision making. Wondering why? Read further and get rich insights on what data processing is, how it can aid your business and why you should outsource data processing works.

What is data processing?

Data processing is the process of extracting information from the raw data and transforming it into a useful and comprehensible format. This enables you to store your data in an easily accessible format and draw actionable insights.

As raw data is heterogeneous and comes from different sources, to make that data usable, it needs to go through data analysis, data validation, data organizing, and data conversion processes. Whether it’s a small company or a billion-dollar organization, data processing tasks form a foundation in making the best use of data and digging out valuable information that can be put to various uses.

There are different types of Data processing techniques, depending on what data is needed for, including:

  • Manual data processing
  • Batch data processing
  • Real-time data processing
  • Online data processing
  • Automatic data processing

Stages of the data processing cycle


What type of data needs to be processed?

Now that you know what data processing is, you must be thinking about how all data can be processed, isn’t it? Well, the answer is-nearly every data! Data in any form like text, images, claims, surveys, etc requires processing most of the time. All your company data can be categorized as personal information, financial transactions, tax credits, banking details, computational data, images, etc, and can be processed to draw actionable insights.

Why is data processing important?

Companies everywhere are dealing with huge amounts of data. To make the best use of data, it is important that this raw data must be properly stored, sorted, filtered, and analyzed. This is where data processing comes into the picture. Combining with data techniques like data mining and data management, optimum results can be obtained. Few points that highlight the importance of data processing techniques are:

  • Increased productivity & profits: Having quick access to data that is well organized is easy to obtain meaningful information and offers a competitive advantage to companies. Data processing in real-time acts as the catalyst for many companies to bring in better results & productivity.
  • Faster & better decision making: Today, all business decisions are data-driven. When you have all the data well-organized and stored, it becomes easier for you to analyze data and draw rich business insights. This enables you to make faster and better company decisions.
  • Ease in data storage: Storing piles of data is not easy and furthermore leads to a huge chance of missing information and confusion. On the other hand, when the data is processed through computers, you can simply have your data stored in a digital form and can easily access it anytime. Additionally, with data processing, sharing and transferring your data becomes much easier.
  • Safe and secured data: If not properly stored and digitized, there are greater chances of data theft and data losses. On the other hand, when data is digitized, properly stored, and organized, it fulfills another very essential requirement of information being secure.

Why outsourcing data processing services is the best solution?

The entire process of data processing is equally time-consuming & tedious as it is useful. And so, a common dilemma for most companies is whether they should handle data processing tasks in-house or outsource them.

Well, the better choice is to outsource business data processing services! As data processing requires the latest tools, resources, and enormous time, outsourcing is the best way to take this burden off your shoulders and focus on your core operations. Especially for small businesses that have budget constraints, hiring entire team data professionals can be an expensive deal. And so, the ideal approach is to hire a data processing company.

Need more reasons? Here are more reasons why you should outsource data processing services:

1. Cost-effective solution

As companies are dealing with an increase in infrastructure costs and the rise in salaries of data professionals, outsourcing data processing services is the best bet. When it comes to outsourcing, you have flexible hiring models i.e. per hour or per month basis which ensures that you only have to make payments per project or on a monthly basis instead of paying each individual. Additionally, you will also be spared from spending the amount on providing employees with certain perks.

2. Better quality & higher expertise

Are data management and data processing your area of expertise? If not, you better leave it to experts. When you hire a data processing expert from an outsourcing company, you will get professionals who specialize in data management & processing. Since these experts have rich experience and proficiency in handling data processing tasks, you can benefit from high-quality services.

3. Helps you focus on your key responsibilities

When you handle data processing tasks all by yourself or build an in-house data entry department, it takes a lot of your focus and attention and diverts you from your core operations. But when you outsource such services, you simply leave all the tasks related to the data processing to your outsourcing company and you stay more focused on the primary role of your business. This way you can completely streamline your focus on the growth of your organization.

4. Fosters quick decision making

When you get Data Processing Services outsourced it allows you to have easy access to data and make quick actions & decisions based on data. As data processing is a time-taking process including different stages such as validation, sorting, summarizing data, aggregation, and analysis. When handled by experts it can be completed in a given stipulated time enabling you to make informed and quick company decisions.

5. Smoother data management

With Offshore data processing services, you can easily digitize data, achieve better storage and management and retrieve information whenever required. And so, when required to make strategic business decisions, based on data, you can have indexed, and readily available data.

6. Access to advanced data processing tools

Data processing is a long and tedious process that requires the use of advanced data tools. When outsourcing data processing services, these companies have the latest surveying tools, statistical tools, data analysis tools, and database management tools to provide you with the best results.

7. Better accuracy and data quality

When you outsource your data processing company to a company with a good reputation and rich experience, you can be assured to get quality services that ensure data accuracy close to 100%. Using automated and manual procedures, the data experts ensure that your data processing works are done with utmost precision while providing you with complete data security. Furthermore, these companies also monitor and double-check that the final output is free from errors.

8. Complete data security

Outsourcing companies have stringent data protection and security policies in place. Especially with companies that are ISO certified, you can be assured that your valuable data is 100% safe. Right from the initial consultation process to the signing up of the contract, every data will be secured and protected.

How can you find the most suitable data processing outsourcing partner?

Wondering how to hire a data processing service provider? Well, choosing the right company to outsource your data processing work, you need to consider a few things including:

  • QA processes
  • Adherence to deadlines
  • Accuracy level
  • Turnaround time
  • Security protocols
  • Quality
  • Outsourcing/Hiring models
  • Customer support

Along with the above-mentioned points, before finalizing your outsourcing partner you must also thoroughly check their:

  • Website
  • Client testimonials, previous projects, feedback & reviews
  • Clients that the company has worked for
  • The contract agreement, hiring process, payment schedules
  • Free trial
  • Experience in the industry

Let us help you!

Holding more than 25 years + experience, at SunTec India we can help you transform your data into actionable insights with our reliable & cost-effective data processing services.

Outsourcing your non-core but critical online data processing services to us gives you the dual benefit of reduced cost and enhanced operational efficiency of your organization. Our proficient data experts can help you capture, extract, digitize and process data from various sources and transform it into actionable insights.

To get in touch with us, write to us at

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