AI-Powered Automation Testing Services

Maximize testing efficiency with automation, facilitating faster feedback cycles and comprehensive risk mitigation at lower costs.

Efficient Automation Testing for Agile Development

Streamline your software testing process and reduce regressive testing time by up to 60% with our automation testing services. We are an adaptive test automation company with an in-house TCoE (testing center of excellence).

At SunTec India, we prioritize both precision and efficiency with our human-AI integrated approach. Through advanced test automation strategies and RPA models, we speed up test case creation, ensuring maximum coverage. Our experienced software testers further validate the automated tests for reliable outcomes.

Partner with us for:

  • Conducting testing across various devices with automated scripts
  • Custom test automation framework development (using Python, Java, and C++) and logic implementation
  • Continuous testing within the CI/CD pipeline (via Selenium, Apache JMeter, and REST-assured)
  • Ensuring zero severe defects in production across web apps, mobile apps, cloud-based solutions

Our Full-Cycle Software Testing Automation Services

From test automation strategy planning to tool selection, environment setup, script development, and reporting, we handle every aspect. Maximize test coverage with our holistic software automation testing services.

Functional Testing

Verify that the app meets all the functional requirements specified during the design and development phase. We ensure the application performs its intended functions via:

  • End-to-end functional testing across multiple modules/components
  • Testing different user scenarios and workflows
  • User interface (UI) testing for visual elements and user interactions
  • Unit testing via white-box and black-box techniques

Non-Functional Testing

Validate the non-functional aspects of applications, ensuring optimal performance, stability, reliability, and conformance to specified quality attributes.

  • Automated performance testing under varying workloads (load and stress testing)
  • Reliability testing to validate fault tolerance
  • Usability testing for user experience
  • Disaster recovery testing, backup, and restore testing

Integration Testing

Maintain seamless interaction and data flow between various components, modules, and external systems within a software application. Our automated integration testing includes:

  • API testing for external system integration
  • Middleware integration testing with SoapUI
  • Service/component integration testing
  • Database and third-party integration testing
  • Message-based integration testing

Compatibility Testing

Deliver consistent user experiences by proactively identifying and resolving cross-platform compatibility issues through rigorous testing.

  • Cross-device testing (desktops, laptops, tablets, mobiles)
  • Network protocol compatibility testing
  • Browser version and configuration testing
  • Operating system testing (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS)

Smoke Testing

Gain early confidence in software builds by rapidly assessing the core functionalities of an application before performing further testing.

  • Exploratory positive/negative testing
  • Build verification testing with CI/CD pipelines
  • Critical path testing via Selenium
  • Installer package validation
  • Error handling with JMeter, LoadRunner

Regression Testing

Ensure application stability by comprehensively validating that new code changes do not adversely impact existing functionalities.

  • Test suite execution after code changes
  • Defect re-testing post bug fixes
  • Risk-based regression test case prioritization
  • Explanatory regression testing for edge cases

Security Testing

SaaS and other applications from cyber threats by identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities, while adhering to industry regulations. Our experts can automate:

  • Static and dynamic code analysis
  • Infrastructure and network security testing
  • Penetration testing (via grey and white-box testing methods)
  • OWASP security risks assessment
  • Compliance testing (GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS)

Achieve Remarkable Results with our Automation Testing Solutions

  • 60-80% enhanced test coverage
  • 40-60% reduced QA TCO
  • 85% accelerated time-to-market

Our Workflow for Application Testing Automation

  • Evaluate Testing Requirements

  • Select Tools & Technologies

  • Design Framework

  • Configure Testing Tools

  • Create Test Cases

  • Develop & Execute Test Scripts

  • Analyze Results and Fix Errors

Why Trust SunTec for Software Testing Automation Services?

With 25+ years of experience and operations across 50+ countries, we are a reliable test automation company for tech startups & enterprises. Combining modern technologies, skilled developers, and ISO-certified data security practices, we design test automation solutions aligned with evolving product needs to exceed client expectations.

Customized Automation Testing Frameworks

Our software testing experts assess your existing frameworks for long-term efficiency and reusability. If needed, we can develop custom testing frameworks (using the latest tools and technologies) to align with your specific needs and improve the SDLC.

AI/RPA Powered Automation

Leveraging artificial intelligence and robotic process automation, we auto-convert test cases into executable automation scripts, ensuring increased test coverage, enhanced productivity, and timely test deployments.

Test Automation CoE

As a specialized test automation company, we work as an extension of your software development & QA team to ensure robust and reliable testing outcomes. If required, we can assist in setting up dedicated testing Centers of Excellence (CoEs) within your organization.

Human-AI synergy

We combine human expertise with modern technologies to deliver efficient results. Our skilled test automation engineers leverage AI capabilities to manage testing environments, identify complex scenarios, and optimize error handling.

Tools, Technologies, and Frameworks

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer flexible engagement models (project-based and hourly) to cater to the evolving needs of our clients. Based on project scope, testing complexity, and resource requirements, our team can provide custom quotations. For further details, you can get in touch with our team at

We prioritize data security by implementing robust encryption protocols, secure data transfer mechanisms, and strict access controls. Our testing environments are isolated, and we adhere to NDAs, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your intellectual property.

We can collaborate with your development team to understand existing processes and project needs via Skype, Zoom, or other preferred communication channel. Based on requirements, we develop tailored strategies to seamlessly integrate automated testing solutions into your workflow. Additionally, we conduct regular meetings for updates, share test plans, and provide detailed reports on test results.

We utilize industry-leading methodologies and frameworks for automation testing, including Agile, Scrum, and DevOps practices. Our core frameworks are Selenium for web applications, Appium for mobile apps, and JMeter for performance testing. We also leverage Cucumber for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and TestNG for robust test management and reporting.

Client Success Stories It’s about results

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Client Speak
I had a complex requirement of developing a multichannel marketplace management system. After thorough discussions on functionalities, their team has now successfully delivered the project which I am now planning to sell as a white-label solution. Highly impressed with SunTec India’s development team expertise.

Noel Tomilson, VP of Sales

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