Software Application Testing Services

Comprehensive testing for mobile, web, IoT, cloud, and enterprise applications for reduced overheads and improved ROI

Trusted and Reliable Software Application Testing Partner

At SunTec India, we understand that bug-free and error-free applications are essential for keeping your customers satisfied and your business thriving. That's why our quality analysts and testers assess your web, mobile, and other business apps, ensuring they can withstand any challenge, scenario, or environment.

Our application testing services cover every aspect of your software application, from functionality and usability to security, integration, load, and accessibility. Our commitment to quality assurance and rigorous testing protocols ensures your applications are thoroughly evaluated and validated before release, enabling you to confidently release high-performance, secure, and user-friendly solutions.

  • Meticulous planning and test case design for optimal coverage
  • Leveraging manual and automated strategies for efficient testing
  • Collaboration with development teams throughout the project lifecycle
  • Detailed reporting and actionable insights for rapid issue resolution
  • Scalable testing solutions tailored to your project's evolving needs

Our Specialization in Software Application Testing

Ensuring your application's success goes beyond bug detection. That's why our comprehensive app testing services cover multiple aspects that are vital to its overall performance.

Accessibility Testing

Ensure applications are functional and accessible for users with disabilities. We evaluate user interfaces and functionality to identify barriers impacting effective access or interaction. Our testers:

  • Conduct manual and automated testing against WCAG and other accessibility standards
  • Assess keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, color contrast, etc.
  • Test with assistive technologies (screen readers, voice recognition, input devices)
  • Provide reports with identified issues and recommendations for remediation
  • Validate fixes and ensure compliance after corrections are implemented
  • Continuously monitor and adapt to evolving accessibility guidelines and practices

Functional Testing

Collaborate with application testing experts to verify your applications’ performance across diverse scenarios. We ensure each function of the application meets the software requirements and specifications by:

  • Developing comprehensive test plans and test case scenarios
  • Manual and automated testing for functionality, data processing, user workflows, etc.
  • Performing cross-browser and cross-platform testing for web and mobile apps
  • Conducting integration testing to verify interactions between components and systems
  • Providing detailed reports with identified bugs, reproduction steps, severity levels
  • Implementing test automation tools and strategies using scripting languages

Regression Testing

Identify any unintended consequences introduced by modifications to your software application for smooth operations. Our team re-executes test cases to verify that existing features continue to operate correctly. We:

  • Create and maintain a comprehensive regression test suite
  • Execute regression tests after code changes, bug fixes, or new feature implementation
  • Perform regression testing on different configurations, environments, and platforms
  • Provide reports on test results, highlighting any newly introduced defects
  • Validate fixes and confirm the resolution of identified regressions

Security Testing

Mitigate security vulnerabilities by hiring experts to assess your application's resilience against potential security threats and attacks. Our software application testing team:

  • Conducts static code analysis to identify security vulnerabilities in the codebase
  • Follows security testing frameworks and guidelines (e.g., OWASP, NIST)
  • Performs dynamic application security testing (DAST) to detect runtime vulnerabilities
  • Evaluates authentication, authorization, and access control mechanisms
  • Assesses encryption and data protection measures
  • Executes penetration testing to simulate real-world attack scenarios

Load Testing

Prepare your software for peak performance with our load-testing expertise. We stimulate real-world user scenarios to evaluate app performance under varying load conditions. Our app testing company:

  • Defines load-testing scenarios based on expected user concurrency and traffic patterns
  • Implements load generation strategies using distributed load generators and cloud-based platforms
  • Monitors app performance metrics (response times, throughput, resource utilization)
  • Conducts stress testing to determine apps’ breaking point and maximum capacity
  • Provides reports on performance, bottlenecks, and optimization recommendations

Integration Testing

Validate the seamless integration of software components with integration testing. Our testers evaluate interactions between modules or systems to detect interface or compatibility issues early on. We:

  • Develop integration test plans based on interface specifications and integration scenarios
  • Execute tests to validate data exchange, message formats, and communication protocols
  • Test integration with external systems, databases, and third-party APIs
  • Perform end-to-end testing to validate integrated workflows across multiple systems
  • Utilize tools and frameworks (Selenium Grid, Cucumber, JMeter) tailored to your tech stack

Experience a 99.9% Bug-Free Launch by Partnering with Application Testing Maestros

Brief us on your requirements and we will create a custom testing plan within your budget

Testing Capabilities for Diverse Applications

Whether web-based, mobile, desktop, or embedded, we have hands-on expertise testing multiple applications, including:

Web Applications (e.g., eCommerce, portals, SaaS)
Mobile Apps (Native, Hybrid, Progressive Web Apps)
Desktop Applications (Thick clients, Cross-platform)
Enterprise Applications (ERP, CRM, SCM systems)
Legacy Systems (Mainframe, Client-server applications)
Embedded Systems and IoT Devices
Cloud-Based Applications and Microservices
Big Data and Analytics Applications

Our Tech Stack for Application Testing

What Sets us Apart in Software Application Testing

With ISO and CMMI Level 3 certifications underpinning our operations, we offer unparalleled expertise and reliability in delivering top-notch application testing solutions. Our distinctive testing approach is defined by several key aspects, including:

Human-in-the-Loop Approach

We use a hybrid approach, combining automation for efficiency with human testers for critical thinking and domain expertise. This ensures thorough coverage and high-quality outcomes, surpassing client expectations.

Established In-House Standards

Our 25+ years of experience in global IT outsourcing services lay the foundation for our application testing methods, ensuring consistency, reliability, and quality across all endeavors. This fosters confidence among clients and stakeholders alike.

Industry Expertise

Having assisted various industries (finance, healthcare, real estate, etc.), with custom software application testing, we're adept at addressing industry-specific challenges. This ensures tailored solutions that meet standards and regulations.

Agile Methodologies

We emphasize iterative development, continuous integration, and quick feedback loops to deliver high-quality testing results. This ensures efficient testing processes aligned with evolving client needs.

Our Approach to Software Application Testing

At our application testing company, we ensure a structured and systematic testing process, focusing on key aspects to help you attain dependable and high-quality applications.

  • Requirement Understanding

    • Gather and understand the client's requirements
    • Define clear objectives for the testing process
  • Test Planning

    • Create a test plan outlining the scope, resources, and timelines
    • Determine the types of testing needed (e.g., functional, load, security)
  • Test Case Creation

    • Develop test cases based on the requirements and test plan
    • Ensure test cases cover functional, usability, security, and compatibility aspects
  • Test Execution

    • Execute the test cases according to the test plan
    • Document any defects encountered during testing
  • Reporting and Feedback

    • Compile a test report summarizing the test results and any issues found
    • Provide feedback to the development team for resolution of defects

Frequently Asked Questions

We establish clear communication protocols, conduct regular status meetings, and provide real-time updates through our project management tools. Our project managers serve as single points of contact, ensuring seamless collaboration and addressing any concerns promptly.

We offer SLAs that define our commitment to meeting agreed-upon timelines, response times, and quality standards. Our stringent quality management processes, along with our ISO and CMMI certifications, ensure consistent and reliable service delivery.

Yes, we offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your application continues to perform optimally post-testing. Our team is available to address any issues or concerns that may arise and provide assistance as needed to maintain the quality and reliability of your application.

Our testing costs are determined based on the scope of testing, application complexity, testing environments required, timeline, and the level of resources needed. We offer flexible pricing models, including fixed-price, time and materials, and risk-reward models. Get in touch for a free quote.

The costs can vary based on the complexity of the processes being automated, the number of bots required, the level of customization needed, and the specific RPA platform or tools chosen. Our team works closely with you to assess your unique requirements and provide transparent pricing estimates. Get in touch for a free quote.

Client Success Stories It’s about results

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Client Speak
I had a complex requirement of developing a multichannel marketplace management system. After thorough discussions on functionalities, their team has now successfully delivered the project which I am now planning to sell as a white-label solution. Highly impressed with SunTec India’s development team expertise.

Noel Tomilson, VP of Sales

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