Software Functional Testing Services

Enhance user experience and ensure compliance with functional requirements. Our multi-level API and UI functional testing ensures your software functions as intended.

Reduce Risks before Launch and Streamline Development with Functional Testing

Identify the potential defects in the software at the initial development stage and resolve them early on with our functional testing experts. From a basic login screen to a complex workflow with multiple integrations, we thoroughly test all functional aspects of the application to guarantee the expected outcome for your end users.

We are a trusted functional testing company for tech startups and Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Proficient in manual and automation testing, our experts can work as an extension of your development & QA team to:

  • Design custom test scenarios and cases
  • Set up test environment (hardware, software, data, and configurations)
  • Develop automated test scripts (using Selenium, Appium, Katalon, Cypress)
  • Perform cross-browser, cross-platform, and regression testing
  • Incorporate functional testing in the CI/CD pipeline for prompt issue detection across SDLC

Our End-to-End Software Functional Testing Services

Unit Testing

Let our QA experts validate each unit of the application to ensure it functions as intended. We assure the reliability of software’s components by handling the following aspects:

  • Identify and cover scenarios, edge cases, positive/negative flows
  • Select appropriate testing frameworks (JUnit, pytest, Jest, etc.)
  • Automate tests via CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions)
  • Update and maintain tests as the codebase via mocking/stubbing tools (Mockito, Moq, Sinon)

Smoke Testing

Ensure the application's core features are working as expected before proceeding with further testing. We assess the stability of software through smoke testing (or Sanity testing).

  • Analyze and prioritize critical functionalities and key user flows
  • Create smoke test cases for basic functionality, navigation, and UX
  • Rapid feedback on build deployability and stability
  • Log and track defects in defect management tools (JIRA, Bugzilla)
  • Validate essential configuration settings

Regression Testing

Confidently release new features without compromising the existing functionality. We detect and fix bugs introduced in software updates through regression testing.

  • Re-run existing test cases to validate core functionalities
  • Regression testing at the software level via techniques like retest all, selective retesting, and test case prioritization
  • System integration testing to ensure the integrated system functions as intended after updates
  • Identify and address performance regressions introduced by changes

User Acceptance Testing

Validate the application's functionality, usability, and performance from an end-user perspective and ensure it is ready to use. Our user acceptance testing involves:

  • End-to-end system testing across different environments
  • Test case execution in real-world scenarios to assess functionality
  • Accessibility, localization, and browser testing
  • Load testing under stimulated production workloads (via tools like LoadRunner, JMeter)
  • Acceptance criteria sign-off and go/no-go decision

Interface Testing

Maintain the seamless data exchange and communication between software components, systems, or apps. We verify the reliability and functionality of a system’s interfaces by:

  • API endpoint testing (via Postman, SoapUI, Katalon Studio, Swagger, REST-Assured)
  • Security testing of interfaces (authentication, authorization, data encryption)
  • Compliance testing against interface specifications and standards
  • Compatibility testing across different browsers, devices, and platforms

Integration Testing

Verify that different modules of an application are integrated correctly and function as intended. We identify and fix defects in integration points through:

  • Configuration testing of integrated components
  • Load and concurrency (or multi-user) testing
  • Cross-system communication testing
  • Regression testing after integration changes or updates

We Can Conduct Functional Testing across a Diverse Range of Applications

  • Enterprise applications (ERP, CRM, billing systems, etc.)
  • BI and big data solutions
  • Web applications
  • eCommerce solutions
  • Customer mobile applications
  • Cloud-based applications
  • IoT solutions

Tools, Technologies, and Frameworks

Why Partner with SunTec India for Application Functional Testing?

As an established functional testing company, we boast a proven track record of helping businesses significantly reduce their testing time and costs by 20-40%. Through modern testing methodologies and secure practices, we enable early identification and resolution of critical defects, minimizing costly rework and delays.

Human-AI Synergy

Our QA team combines their extensive industry knowledge with AI to streamline testing processes. While AI tools automate tedious testing processes, our subject matter experts ensure the reliability of the outcome.

Flexible Engagement Models

Our flexible pricing adapts to your project needs. Scale your testing team effortlessly, up or down, as requirements evolve. Hire dedicated resources within your budget, ensuring cost savings of up to 60%.

Complete Transparency and Control

Get detailed reporting on functional test results with essential KPIs (test case pass/fail rate, defect leakage rate, test cycle time, etc.). Our team can work with your choice of project management and reporting tools to ensure seamless collaboration and regular updates.

Adherence to NDAs

As an ISO-certified partner, we strictly adhere to non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and implement robust security measures for intellectual property protection. Our team undergoes rigorous training on data privacy & security protocols to safeguard your information throughout our engagement.

Our Workflow

  • Assessment

    We evaluate the existing testing process and create a custom strategy to optimize it in alignment with your testing goals/requirements.

  • Test Design Creation

    Based on the approved test plan, we design various test scenarios and cases to cover every aspect of functional testing.

  • Test Execution

    We set up the testing environment and validate the software’s functionality for diverse test cases.

  • Reporting & Error Handling

    We prepare detailed reports based on test results and validate defects to ensure the app functions properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost for functional testing services varies depending on project scope, complexity, testing requirements, and the duration of the engagement. We offer flexible pricing models, such as hourly rates or fixed project costs, allowing clients to choose the option that best suits their budget and needs.

We assign a dedicated project manager to facilitate seamless interactions with your team through regular meetings. We provide comprehensive reports detailing test execution, defects, and coverage at pre-defined intervals. Additionally, our team can collaborate with you over Skype, Zoom, Slack, or any other preferred communication channel for real-time updates on testing activities.

We employ robust security measures, including secure data transfer protocols, encryption, access controls, and stringent non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with our team members. Additionally, we maintain isolated testing environments and follow strict data-handling procedures to ensure confidentiality.

We have a well-defined approach to handle changes or updates to the software/product during the testing phase. Our testing team closely collaborates with your development team to understand the nature and impact of the changes. We then adapt our test cases, scripts, and environments accordingly, ensuring comprehensive coverage and minimizing disruptions to the testing schedule.

Client Success Stories It’s about results

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Client Speak
I had a complex requirement of developing a multichannel marketplace management system. After thorough discussions on functionalities, their team has now successfully delivered the project which I am now planning to sell as a white-label solution. Highly impressed with SunTec India’s development team expertise.

Noel Tomilson, VP of Sales

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