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Image Enhancement and Photo Editing Case Study for Real Estate Sector

Client Introduction

Our client is one of the prominent photo service providers in Denmark. The client offers a wide range of services ranging from photo capturing, image editing, video editing, and floor plan services in the real estate domain. Furthermore, they have a strong network of independent photographers that fulfils the task of photo capturing.

Client Needs

The client was receiving a large volume of property images from independent photographers. Their in-house team was unable to edit and deliver these images as per schedule. The client wanted to convert average raw photoshoot images into HDR Images ensuring the highest quality and timely delivery. Furthermore, the client also required digital 2D/3D Floor Plans and 360-degree panoramic pictures as well.


Picture editing and retouching related to real estate sector can be tedious and requires utmost accuracy. At SunTec India, we have always believed in exceeding client's expectations. The client had some particular needs for real estate photo editing. For this project, the initial challenges we faced are mentioned below:

  • Editing, retouching and producing more than 500 pages on a daily basis
  • Creating effective Floor Plans and stitching Panoramic images
  • Ensuring availability of real estate photo editors and retouchers to fit in with the Denmark working hours for a quick turnaround time of 12 hours
  • Assigning skilled and experienced editors for this project
  • Ensuring on-time and error-free output
  • Property images were having issues like:
    • Low brightness
    • Low contrast
    • No sharpness
    • Incorrect white balance
    • Color correction


Using its 19 years of experience in this field, SunTec India understood the client's requirement and charted out a streamlined process to successfully complete the project. The best part, the real estate team at SunTec India is competent enough to deliver high-quality images within the stipulated time frame.

Check out the brief insight into the solution that we devised to cater to the specific issues of our client:

  • We created a dedicated team of 7 Photo Editors/Retouchers with major experience in real estate photo editing and enhancement and superb Photoshop skills, and creative thinking and aesthetic sense
  • Ensured two level of QC (Quality Check), one by Team Head and another by Project Manager on various parameters considering project instructions, reference photos, and the end result
  • The FTP login details were shared with the client through which they could upload the untreated images and download the final images with ease
  • For 360 Pano: We stitched all exposures and using Photoshop adjustment for the final result
  • For Portraits: We completed retouching and editing of the product photos
  • Created 2D/3D plans using the Floor Plan software
  • Our agile Project Managers quickly responded to client queries, emails and messages related to any aspect of the project
  • We used latest licensed photo editing software applications and ensured complete maintenance of the infrastructure and tools used for post image processing
  • To make sure the client's data and information is not compromised, we used secure VPN communication, required spy filters, anti-spyware and password controlled access to the files
  • We helped the client in making their property images impeccable by correcting the brightness, contrast, sharpness, White balance, colorcast, color correction, adding blue sky on outdoors/indoors, adding fire in fireplace, adding TV screens, adding water to bathtub, extracting window view, adding green grass etc.

Photo Editing Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom

Communication Tools: Skype, Email, Phone, Google Talk


Due to our strategic approach, excellent work ethics, positive attitude and complying with international standards in photo editing has helped us to continue as a trusted partner for real estate photo editing services to our client. Check out some of the major highlights from our successful collaboration:

  • Major cost savings for the client without the headache of investing in people or infrastructure
  • Quick turnaround time of 12 hrs to meet the client's specific business requirements
  • Client experienced a major increase in the quality and details of the real estate images, thereby improve his sales conversions

Discuss your Project with us

For more information concerning our Real Estate Photo Editing Services please contact: info@suntecindia.com.