With EDUPUB – Unleash the Potential of Educational Content


Digitization of content is playing a major role in education. In comparison to paper based reading materials, digital content facilitates easy accessibility, is adaptable to user’s learning modes, can boost user engagement, provide real time assessments and also reduce potential costs. However, in order to derive these benefits, it is vital that digital content is globally accessible and interoperable. This is where EDUPUB comes in.

Read More With EDUPUB – Unleash the Potential of Educational Content

Understanding the Options Available for Mobile App Development: HTML5 vs Native vs Hybrid

App Development

These days, smartphones are more than just phones- they are disruptive, networked multimedia devices, and in the years to come they will get even more advanced. One of the most important features of smartphones is mobility and it has definitely changed our lives for good. It has influenced the way we conduct business, communicate and collaborate. According to a recent finding, it has been estimated that around 62% of all digital media time is now spent on mobile and 80% of this time is spent on mobile apps.

Read More Understanding the Options Available for Mobile App Development: HTML5 vs Native vs Hybrid

Transforming Flash-based Learning with HTML5


Transforming a decade old Flash based learning module into an asset, based on HTML5 is no child’s play. Doing it wrong or failing to do it has its own consequences – the risk of losing great learning content and the rising cost of creating new content from scratch, both pose a serious challenge for the learning and development sector (L&D). In this post we throw light on Flash to HTML5 conversion and ways in which all conversion related issues can be tackled.

Read More Transforming Flash-based Learning with HTML5

Alt Text / Annotation as a Powerful Tool for Accessibility for Visually/Print Impaired

Data - AI/ML

Digital content is breaking all boundaries and is emerging as the preferred medium for both students and educators alike. Access to digital content has given students new learning environments, with engaging, interactive and multimedia rich content created in open source formats that can be accessed on any device from anywhere.

Read More Alt Text / Annotation as a Powerful Tool for Accessibility for Visually/Print Impaired

HTML5 All Set to Takeover Flash. Are You Ready?

Website Development

Flash has for years been the most dominant media plugin available for the web. However, Flash needs to be updated constantly and is not mobile browser compatible. It is not supported on iOS devices and the Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs even criticized Flash for its lack of efficiency and security feature. Google followed suit by ending support for Flash in 2011. Well, all this was indeed an indication that the end was near for Flash. But, what was to happen next? Did HTML5 takeover?

Read More HTML5 All Set to Takeover Flash. Are You Ready?

Clean Data in CRM: The Key to Generate Sales-Ready Leads and Boost Your Revenue Pool

Data - Others

Quality data in your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is not only the lifeblood of your organization but also the secret to putting you on the right track to generate high-quality, sales-ready leads and boost your revenue pool. For your CRM to provide optimal results and help you with your routine marketing and sales operations, it must be maintained and monitored regularly.

Read More Clean Data in CRM: The Key to Generate Sales-Ready Leads and Boost Your Revenue Pool



Magento 2.0 builds on its heritage of open source, and offers unmatched flexibility together with opportunities for innovation to eCommerce merchants. This empowers retailers to adapt their sites to their precise business needs by adding powerful new extensions to their site, quickly and cost-effectively, consequently enhancing the shopping experience of their customers.


How to Leverage Live Chat Strategy to Boost Customer Engagement and Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment?


In the present digitally-led business environment, brands need to focus on building the best in-store experience online to maintain a competitive edge. While social media engagement is growing at a fast pace, live chat remains an efficient tool to keep shoppers engaged online and offer them customized, real-time solution. A satisfied customer converts into business growth and thus, it is crucial for companies to implement live chat strategy that adds to the business’ bottom line.

Read More How to Leverage Live Chat Strategy to Boost Customer Engagement and Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment?