Tag Archives: EDUPUB Conversion and Formatting Services

EDUPUB for Education: Intended Outcomes


Similar to EPUB3, EDUPUB has been designed to house the widest possible range of learning content required by providers and learners alike. While publishers may adopt either all the sections or only those that are most appropriate for their content, EDUPUB allows them to develop configurations that matches best with their unique business needs. Real- world use and wider adoption of this open standard will eventually lead to even more complex use cases of EDUPUB in the future. As of now, EDUPUB continues to evolve, ensuring the feasibility of an open standard for learning content across the globe.

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The EDUPUB Deliverables: Managing Change Step By Step


Today’s educational scenario offers a wide range of technology driven tools that are making learning as well as teaching a richer interactive experience. Students these days have the option to choose between print and digital content that can be easily accessed at their convenience and educators now have the entire web at their disposal. Our earlier post was about what EDUPUB is, and how it is benefiting all the stakeholders. Now, let us have a look at EDUPUB deliverables.

Read More The EDUPUB Deliverables: Managing Change Step By Step

With EDUPUB – Unleash the Potential of Educational Content


Digitization of content is playing a major role in education. In comparison to paper based reading materials, digital content facilitates easy accessibility, is adaptable to user’s learning modes, can boost user engagement, provide real time assessments and also reduce potential costs. However, in order to derive these benefits, it is vital that digital content is globally accessible and interoperable. This is where EDUPUB comes in.

Read More With EDUPUB – Unleash the Potential of Educational Content