iOS App Development Services

Developing custom applications for iOS, WatchOS, and iPad OS utilizing Swift, Objective-C, ArKit, and more

We Develop iOS Apps for Enhanced Business Outcomes

To capture the iPhone user base, you need iOS apps that exceed the expectations of long-term Apple customers. We build high-quality iOS apps with innovative features that iPhone enthusiasts cannot get enough of. Our clean coding practices lead to secure and immersive iOS apps that effectively ease specific customer pain points.

Your technology partnership with SunTec India’s iOS app development team will unlock benefits such as:

  • Developers skilled in tools like Swift, XCode, and iOS SDK
  • UI/UX resources like UIKit, Sketch, and Invision
  • App Store product page optimization for greater visibility
  • Wide range of app designs and builds to choose from
  • Calibration for tablets and future foldable devices
  • Precise user analytics and testing

Our iOS App Development Service Offerings

Unlock compatibility for the entire iOS device ecosystem with our iOS app development services. We customize your app for optimized performance in your market segment.

Migrate Legacy Apps Migrate Legacy Apps

We modernize your existing legacy iOS apps by updating deployment targets and migrating the underlying SDK and data versions to leverage the latest features and UI. We implement iPhone app development in India that updates the functionality, performance, look, and feel to boost user adoption.

Seamless App Extensions Seamless App Extensions

We are an iOS app development company in India that enables your app’s functionality to extend across the entire ecosystem of iOS devices. Your users can easily interact with data and documents across all their iPhones, iPads, wearables, and other synced peripherals.

Smooth Handoff & Synchronization Smooth Handoff & Synchronization

We enable the seamless transfer of user activity and data synchronization from one iOS device to another. Our iOS app developers utilize the data-sharing implementation through CloudKit for user activity syncing and never missing any app-based notifications on any device.

Third-Party Integrations Third-Party Integrations

Our developers utilize reliable and secure third-party integrations for iOS app development, enhancing app functionality. From providing better streaming compression, and image caching, and making the app lightweight, we enable third-party integrations to maximize your app’s usability.

Maintenance & Support Maintenance & Support

Our iPhone app development in India provides continuous value-addition and support post-deployment of your app in the form of server monitoring, app analytics, and more. We also track app updates and perform App Store optimization.

App Security Audits App Security Audits

Even a single data breach on your iOS app can lead to customers losing trust in your business and a bad market reputation. Our iOS app developers are skilled in protecting your business-critical data from browser-based and application logic-based attacks.

Ready to Hire iOS App Developers in India?

Share your specific expected business outcomes with us and we will form an expert iOS app development team that is the best fit for your unique needs.

Why Outsource iOS App Development Services to SunTec India?

SunTec India is an iPhone app development company in India that brings over a decade of iOS app development experience creating engaging apps optimized for cross-device compatibility. We build apps calibrated to perform seamlessly with several devices and form factors, to grow your app’s user base across mobiles, tablets, wearables, and other Apple devices.

  • Strict adherence to NDAs

    Strict adherence to NDAs

  • 24*7 Timezone Advantage

    24*7 Timezone Advantage

  • Fast time-to-market

    Fast time-to-market

  • Maintenance & support post-launch

    Maintenance & support post-launch

  • Multi-device compatibility

    Multi-device compatibility

  • Choice of engagement models

    Choice of engagement models

  • Enterprise mobility management

    Enterprise mobility management

  • Play Store optimization

    Play Store optimization

Accreditations & Recognitions

Related Blogs

Explore these blogs that serve as guides for understanding why our iOS app development company in India could be best suited for your business and industry needs. Find out iOS app custom UI and UX design best practices, recent advancements, integrations, and iOS app development trends.

Want to Know How you Can Save Up to 70% in Development Costs?

Share your project requirements and we will match them with an iOS app development expert team aimed at the industry-best ROI for your business.

Cross-Industry iOS App Development Solutions

Learn about our versatility in iOS application development services that facilitate improved user retention and conversion rates across industry verticals and specialized use cases. Here are industries that we develop optimized app experiences for:

E-commerce iOS Apps

E-commerce iOS Apps

We create highly intuitive shopping platforms that are personalized to cater to specific customer profiles at the most granular level. Our ecommerce iOS app development team handles end-to-end e-commerce functionalities such as user onboarding, detailed product pages, relevant recommendations, multi-currency payment gateways, and search engines.

On-Demand Streaming iOS Apps

On-Demand Streaming iOS Apps

Our iOS app development experts can develop competitive streaming platforms configured to handle high user volumes and traffic. We build streaming platforms for video and music streaming with the most ideal cloud deployment models as an AWS Certified Partner, efficient Content Delivery Networks (CDN), media and user analytics, and adaptive bitrate streaming enablements.

Supply Chain Management iOS Apps

Supply Chain Management iOS Apps

We develop convenient cloud-based Supply Chain Management (SCM) iOS app solutions that facilitate the optimization of workflows with easy-to-grasp interfaces that workers with varying tech-savviness can utilize with ease. From inventory management, order processing, and transportation to supply chain automation and performance analytics, every distributed aspect of the supply chain can be centrally managed with these iOS apps.

Food Delivery iOS Apps

Food Delivery iOS Apps

Our seasoned iOS app development in India thoroughly implements each version of the food delivery workflow; the customer’s version, the courier’s version, and the restaurant’s version of the app. With rich feature integrations like restaurant catalogs with filters based on distance, cuisine, and pricing, push notifications to keep the customer informed about the order status and courier’s location, and loyalty and rewards programs, we develop iOS food delivery apps that ensure user retention and long-term partnerships with F&B businesses.

Healthcare iOS Apps

Healthcare iOS Apps

Our custom app development team expertly builds apps that cater to all aspects of the healthcare workflow to simplify user access to easy clinic visit appointment scheduling, doctor consultations, medical imaging, and home delivery of pharmaceuticals. We strive to improve patient care delivery through state-of-the-art telemedicine and health-tracking apps, connected to secure and scalable medical databases.

Travel & Accommodation iOS Apps

Travel & Accommodation iOS Apps

All your customers’ travel and accommodation booking needs can be fulfilled seamlessly with our iOS app development expertise. Our iOS app developers have demonstrated capabilities to develop feature-rich apps that help create travel itineraries, book flights and hotels, forecast weather, and serve as travel guides with user reviews by leveraging GPS and user data analytics.

iOS App Development Services: FAQs

We have a number of pricing and engagement models for iOS application development services that you can choose from, such as:

  • Flexible hours-based iOS app development allows you to leverage our services based on your ongoing custom app development requirements
  • The Fixed-Price Model allows you to map your pre-defined project requirements with our well-planned project cost structure.
  • The Time & Material Model for iOS development is feasible when your project requirements are not already defined and require time-based billing.

There is immense potential for revenue generation, increased brand recognition, and customer base growth if you choose iOS app development in India for your business. There is an extensive market segment composed of long-time iPhone loyalists that is growing by the hour that you can capture and convert for sustainable business growth.

We resolve issues and provide maintenance and updates post-deployment and release by following industry best practices to ensure iOS app quality:

  • Continuous Maintenance by monitoring user analytics and efficiently rolling out iOS app updates, new features, and enhancements
  • Performance monitoring, database optimization, and periodic infrastructure health checks
  • Iterative development with staggered releases and code refactoring when required.

Here are some interesting facts and statistics about the iOS apps market:

  • As of 2022, out of the 8.93 million apps available across the world in official and unofficial app marketplaces, there were over 1.64 million apps available for download on the App Store.
  • During this period, the App Store witnessed about 8.1 billion app downloads by both individual consumers and enterprise entities.
  • In 2022, apps on the App Store generated $ 86.8 billion dollars in overall revenue; gaming apps contributed to 57.6% of the total revenue generated.
  • The App Store witnessed the highest growth for the number of apps between 2015 and 2016 when the number grew by 401,106 apps, or a 22.65% increase, while 2022 saw an 18% decrease from the previous year’s number of apps.
  • Games continue to enjoy the lion’s share of the App Store as 12.68% of the store consists of gaming apps, followed by business apps at 10.35%.
  • The BeReal app which was launched in 2019, accounted for the highest number of downloads for any app in 2022 with 13.89 million downloads, followed by TikTok at 7.51 million downloads.
  • 45% of companies carrying out iOS app development in India are concentrated in Delhi, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad.

We leverage the following technologies, frameworks, databases, and other resources for iOS apps development that help you exceed your desired ROI:

Framework and Components Apple Xcode IDE | Apple UIKit Framework | Cocoa/Cocoa Touch | CocoS2D | OpenGL ES | Unity3D | REACT NATIVE | ARKit | Titanium | PhoneGap | Sencha | Apache Cordova | Core Graphics
Tools & Development Solutions Mockingbird | ASIHTTPRequest | Xamarin | ShareKit | Urban Airship | Universal Analytics | Twilio | HockeyApp | Testflight | Wikitude | RedLazer API | Payment Systems (PayPal, DataTrans) | Social Networking APIs
Languages Objective C/C++ | Swift | C# | JavaScript
Development Platforms Yosemite | Ionic | macOS Sierra | macOS Maverick
Libraries Google Map | Charts | Firebase | Fabric | Alamofire
UI/UX Tools Sketch | Photoshop | Illustrator | After Effects | Invision | Flinto
Integrations SiriKit | iCloud | Maps | Google Wallet | Apple Pay | Stripe | Google Analytics | Flurry
Client Speak
We were specially asked to contact Suntecindia for our business product uploading services by one of our partners. Being in eCommerce industry, we needed a service provider who was adept at fast as well as accurate product upload, and we were fortunate to find the right people.

Ellie Price, UK

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