Flutter App Development Services

Accelerate cross-platform app development (for Web, Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows) with Flutter's reactive UI and native performance

Create Modern & Rich User Experiences with Flutter App Development

Looking for rapid cost-optimized app development for multiple platforms? Our Flutter app developers can expedite the development of your mobile and web apps by using a single codebase to create rich native interfaces on Android, iOS, and web platforms with consistency for your brand across all these platforms.

SunTec India’s Flutter app development team enables the following benefits for you:

  • Fast development cycles with Dart’s JIT and AOT compilation
  • Automated testing and continuous delivery models
  • Optimal memory and CPU usage for high-performance apps
  • Develop apps for iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, web, and embedded devices
  • Widen your user base with internationalization
  • Simplified development with ready-made widgets

Our Flutter App Development Service Offerings

Develop apps with fast-rendering UI for sustainable business outcomes with our Flutter app development expertise.

Flutter Multi-Platform App Development Flutter Multi-Platform App Development

Our Flutter app development team creates apps for Android and iOS platforms, web, and desktop with a pixel-perfect implementation that matches the respective platform’s themes. We build apps that deliver highly branded designs with appropriate visual continuity.

Flutter UI Responsiveness Flutter UI Responsiveness

We develop app UIs that adapt reflexively to diverse platform-specific themes and device screen sizes while keeping your business’ brand design consistent. Additionally, we utilize Flutter’s bundled widgets and UI libraries so that you can ship your mobile app as a PWA.

Fast Feature Addition & Bug Fixes

Our app developers drive expedited cross-platform A/B testing, UI building, your desired feature implementations, and bug fixing by utilizing the hot reloading capabilities of Flutter. With the injection of source code files into Dart’s Virtual Machine (VM), changes to the app UI, fields, and functions can be seen in real-time and tested exhaustively as soon as code changes are saved.

Seamless Cross-Platform CI CD Seamless Cross-Platform CI CD

Our seasoned Flutter app developers utilize market-leading CI CD tools to automate the pushing and merging of code changes. We ensure short development cycles and up-to-date app changes on all native platforms that your target audience is spread across.

Flutter App Security Flutter App Security

We implement airtight practices for app security against known vulnerabilities and identify possible enhancements to shield against malicious activity. We follow security best practices by continuously releasing betas and hotfixes for any vulnerabilities or technical security issues.

Utilization of Latest Flutter SDK Utilization of Latest Flutter SDK

Our Flutter app developers stay up to date with the most current SDK feature integrations such as AdMon for monetizing your app, stable support for multiple processor types, Casual Games Toolkit for creating puzzle-based gaming apps, wireless debugging, and more.

Ready to Hire Flutter App Developers in India?

Share your expected platform-specific business goals with us and we will create the perfect Flutter app development team that delivers apps across six distinct platforms for you.

Why Outsource Flutter App Development to SunTec India?

SunTec India brings specialized expertise in Flutter app development creating engaging apps optimized for about six platforms. We build apps calibrated to perform seamlessly with several devices and form factors, to grow your app’s user base across iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, and web apps.

  • Strict adherence to NDAs

    Strict adherence to NDAs

  • 24*7 Timezone Advantage

    24*7 Timezone Advantage

  • Fast time-to-market

    Fast time-to-market

  • Maintenance & support post-launch

    Maintenance & support post-launch

  • Compatibility across 6 platforms

    Compatibility across 6 platforms

  • Choice of engagement models

    Choice of engagement models

  • Enterprise mobility management

    Enterprise mobility management

  • App optimization for multiple marketplaces

    App optimization for multiple marketplaces

Accreditations & Recognitions

Related Blogs

Learn how Flutter app development leads to robust native app designs and architectures. Find out what Flutter can add to app functionality through our blogs.

Want to Know How you Can Save Up to 70% in Development Costs?

Share your project requirements and we will match them with an Flutter app development expert team aimed at the industry-best ROI for your business.

Flutter Apps Custom-Built for Specific Use Cases

We have a track record of developing successful Flutter apps for a variety of industries and use cases with expertise in the latest Flutter SDKs, APIs, UI style guides, and best practices. Here are some business-specific apps that our Flutter app developers can create for your business.

Flutter Automotive Apps

Automotive Apps

Our automotive app development experts utilize Flutter’s Embedder API for developing native apps for automobile infotainment, parking assistance, remote lock/unlock, trip planning, service reminders, and navigation. We develop in-car solutions that follow best practices for minimal distraction using Flutter’s declarative UI, custom widgets, and assets calibrated for embedded systems.

Flutter IoT Apps

IoT Apps

We develop high-fidelity IoT apps with Flutter’s Bluetooth integration plugin for greater control over Bluetooth connections. Our IoT app development expertise is spread across apps that facilitate industrial automation, data streaming, controlling home appliance ecosystems, device analytics, improving operational efficiencies, fleet management, and visualizing sensor data.

Flutter Payment Apps

Payment Apps

Our Flutter app developers possess an in-depth understanding of online payment protocols that power digital payment apps and in-app payment gateways and integrations. We develop digital wallet platforms, P2P payment, Point-of-Sale (POS) services, online payment systems, and integrations for recurring and automated payments utilizing myriad options of robust payment-enablement APIs, plugins, and SDK packages.

Flutter Fitness Tracker Apps

Fitness Tracker Apps

We develop fitness tracker apps that combine the core features of popular fitness tracker platforms like Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch with Flutter's code reusability across various platforms and form factors. Our Flutter app developers leverage Flutter widget bundles with buttons, graphs, and other elements that enhance the design of fitness tracker app screens for clear and concise workout tracking, heart rate monitoring, calorie burn tracking, and more.

Flutter Mobile Games

Mobile Games

By leveraging the game development capabilities of Flutter, we create immersive and engaging playing experiences that guarantee phenomenal user retention rates. We utilize the wide range of Flutter game development packages that facilitate the inclusion of game assets such as game engines like Flame for immersive audio, lightweight graphics and animations, embedding Unity game scenes, and scalable open-source gaming servers like Nakama.

Flutter Ecommerce Apps

Ecommerce Apps

We develop Ecommerce apps combining core features of Ecommerce website builders like WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce with Flutter’s code reusability across various platforms and form factors. Our Flutter app developers leverage Flutter widget bundles with buttons and other elements meant to design Ecommerce app screens for product detail pages, login & registration, cart orders, payment processing, and more.

Flutter App Development Services: FAQs

Flutter is a cross-platform UI toolkit that allows you to create beautiful, high-performance apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. So, basically, you can migrate your existing business-specific iOS or Android app into Flutter without worrying about any reduction in performance.

We choose Flutter as it is a great choice for cross-platform app development for the wide range of benefits and support it offers which include:

  • Flutter apps are written in Dart, a pre-compiled programming language, which means there is immense code reusability for the development of apps for disparate platforms.
  • Flutter uses its own rendering engine, which makes apps just as fluid and fast as native apps, ensuring high performance.
  • The flexible and highly responsive UI widgets are highly customizable for specific requirements of industry-specific apps.
  • The Flutter framework borrows a lot of credibility from the fact that it is backed by Google and that a large community is constantly growing its arsenal of open-source APIs, plugins, and SDKs for all possible app needs.
  • Flutter’s hot reload functionality allows developers to see the results of their code changes immediately for quick bug fixes and effective testing.

If you choose to collaborate with SunTec India’s app development services, you can unlock the following benefits for your business:

  • We can get your app to market fast to expedite revenue generation for your business.
  • As we develop Flutter apps for about six distinct platforms, you can expect massive reach for your app and brand.
  • We follow Flutter and Dart’s strict coding standards so that your apps are highly reliable.
  • You can expect to gain a competitive edge as our Flutter app developers possess varied experience across several types of apps according to industry and regional needs.

We use IDEs like VS Code, Android Studio, and IntelliJ IDEA using Flutter’s plugins for specific IDEs. Flutter provides developer documentation with setup details and tips on how to use plugins for VS Code and Android Studio/IntelliJ. We also utilize another option, which is to use the command line from a terminal, along with editors that support editing of Dart code.

Rest assured that our Flutter app developers can turn any app idea you bring to them into a high-performance app that will help you gain a wider customer base and in turn boost revenue. The kind of apps that we deliver with Flutter include but are not limited to e-commerce apps, games, automotive apps, resource planning apps, inventory management apps, healthcare administration, and telemedicine apps.

Client Speak
We were specially asked to contact Suntecindia for our business product uploading services by one of our partners. Being in eCommerce industry, we needed a service provider who was adept at fast as well as accurate product upload, and we were fortunate to find the right people.

Ellie Price, UK

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