Cloud Application Development Services

Hire experts to develop, deploy, and modernize scalable and robust applications across Azure, AWS, and GCP using IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS models

Gain a Competitive Edge with our Cloud Application Development Services

Businesses migrating to the cloud focus on enhancing agility and efficiency, resulting in benefits such as:

Are you also looking to develop applications on cloud environments or want to migrate/optimize existing ones? We are here to help.

Future-proof your applications and infrastructure with SunTec India. As an established cloud application development company, we specialize in:

  • Building secure and scalable cloud applications tailored for AWS, Azure, and GCP
  • Deploying applications using PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS models
  • Containerizing applications using Docker and Kubernetes for agility and portability
  • Integrating applications with cloud services and APIs
  • Implementing CI/CD pipelines for automated build, testing, and deployment processes
  • Migrating and modernizing legacy applications to the cloud
  • Optimizing cloud infrastructure with cost-efficient scaling tools

End-to-End Cloud App Development Services

We specialize in cloud and SaaS app development, helping both tech startups and Fortune 500 companies modernize and create cloud-based applications to enhance scalability and performance. From cloud consulting to deployment, we handle every aspect with our comprehensive offerings. Partner with us for:

Custom Application Development

Get a custom cloud native developed from scratch with advanced functionalities, security, and scalability. Leveraging leading cloud technologies and development practices, our experts can handle:

  • Wireframing and MVP development (Figma, Adobe XD, InVision)
  • Front-end development (using tools like Webpack, Gulp, and Rollup)
  • Back-end development (using frameworks and languages like Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, Spring)
  • Unit, integration, and performance testing (using Selenium, Cypress, Appium, LoadRunner, k6)

App Migration to Cloud

Ensure secure migration of your on-premises applications to the cloud (or cloud applications from one platform to another) with zero data loss and minimal downtime. Our cloud migration service experts can move your workload to Azure, GCP, or AWS by:

  • Assessing the current application architecture using tools like CART, Azure Migrate, and RaMP.
  • Defining the most optimal migration approach (rehosting/re-platforming/refactoring)
  • Optimizing applications for the cloud through serverless computing (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions) and containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
  • Monitoring application performance after migration (using tools like Datadog, AppDynamics, and Dynatrace)

Cloud Infrastructure Management

Make the most out of cloud resources, optimize cost, and maximize performance with cloud infrastructure management services. We ensure seamless cloud operations, scalability, and agility by:

  • Provisioning and configuring cloud resources (compute, storage, networking)
  • Monitoring and optimizing resource utilization, performance, and costs (using AWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor, and Google Cloud Operations Suite)
  • Implementing robust security measures, access controls, and compliance adherence
  • Enabling backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity mechanisms

Cloud Deployment

Leverage the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing without compromising on security, compliance, or operational efficiency with secure deployment. Utilizing tools like AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine, and Azure App Service, our cloud application developers take care of:

  • Integration and deployment of pre-built applications and services
  • Automation and orchestration of CI/CD pipelines and processes
  • Implementation of infrastructure as code (IaC)
  • Containerization and serverless deployment

Cloud System Integration

Enable seamless data exchange and collaboration between various cloud applications and systems (on-premises or private/hybrid/multi-cloud). We integrate your applications, processes, and databases with cloud services by:

  • Assessing your existing systems and identifying integration requirements
  • Designing and implementing robust integration architectures and interfaces
  • Developing custom APIs (if required)
  • Configuring and deploying integration platforms and tools in the cloud

Cloud Support and Maintenance

Ensure that your cloud environment remains secure, up-to-date, and optimized for peak performance with minimal downtime. We offer continuous maintenance and support services to keep your cloud applications running smoothly and efficiently.

  • Proactive monitoring and management of cloud resources and services
  • Managing security upgrades, patches, and updates
  • Incident management, troubleshooting, and resolution of issues
  • Performing regular vulnerability assessments and implementing security controls

Ready to Save up to 70% on Operational Cost with our Budget-Friendly Cloud App Development Solutions?

Discuss your project requirements and let our experts develop a tailored strategy for you.

Tools, Technologies, and Frameworks

The Perks of Partnering with Our Cloud Developers

We are a trusted cloud application development company for our reputed clientele across the globe. Leveraging modern technologies and deep domain expertise, our developers build and deliver next-gen hybrid cloud solutions.

Zero Downtime

We ensure maximum uptime and seamless performance of your applications on the cloud by leveraging multi-zone architecture, load balancing, auto-scaling, and high availability features of the platform.

Flexible Engagement Models

We maximize your savings on development and operational costs by offering flexible engagement models. Hire cloud application developers with us according to your project and budget requirements.

Adherence to NDA

We safeguard your intellectual property (unique ideas, functionalities, or even customer data) and confidential information shared with our team during the development by signing and adhering to non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

Accelerated Time-to-Market

We provide industry-leading turnaround time for cloud application development projects. Our team works in your preferred timezone and shifts to deliver solutions within your desired timeframe, without compromising quality.

Our Development Workflow

We follow an agile and efficient approach to deliver high-end, secure, and reliable cloud app solutions within the client’s preferred timeframe. Our 4-step process comprises of:

  • Project Consultation

    We analyze your requirements, existing infrastructure, and the project’s scope to plan and design the cloud application architecture.

  • Design & Development

    Based on your requirements, we create test cases, and wireframes, and develop a custom cloud application solution.

  • Testing & QA

    After conducting thorough testing (including unit, integration, performance, and usability testing), we securely deploy the application to the target cloud environment.

  • Maintenance and Reporting

    Provide ongoing maintenance, support, and updates to the cloud application to keep it up-to-date, secure, and aligned with your evolving requirements.

Essential Reading

Explore our cloud application development guides to unlock your business potential and optimize resources for growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

We provide post-launch support encompassing troubleshooting, maintenance, updates, enhancements, and 24/7 monitoring of your cloud applications. Our dedicated team of cloud experts is available round-the-clock to swiftly address any issues, offer technical guidance, and ensure your cloud applications run seamlessly. Through proactive monitoring and prompt issue resolution, we maximize uptime, performance, and security for your applications. This allows you to focus on your core business objectives while we manage your cloud infrastructure.

We offer a flexible pricing structure for our cloud application development services, tailored to the specific requirements of each project. Our pricing depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the application, project scope, development timeline, and additional services required, such as maintenance and support. You can share your project details with us at and our cloud consulting experts will provide you exact quote estimation after assessing your requirements.

We are a trusted cloud application development company, holding critical ISO certification for data security. Our cloud app developers implement secure coding practices to minimize vulnerabilities. We safeguard your data with multi-layered protection, including DDoS mitigation, secure APIs, and disaster recovery plans. Granular access control with multi-factor authentication ensures that only authorized users interact with your application. We also sign service-level agreements with each client to keep their project details confidential and protected.

Our developers can build custom cloud applications for diverse industries, such as healthcare, banking & finance, eCommerce, etc. Our expertise spans developing cloud-native applications, serverless functions, microservices architectures, and containerized solutions using IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS models. We work across various cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, Azure, Heroku, Rackspace, and more, tailoring solutions to your specific requirements.

Client Success Stories It’s about results

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Client Speak
I had a complex requirement of developing a multichannel marketplace management system. After thorough discussions on functionalities, their team has now successfully delivered the project which I am now planning to sell as a white-label solution. Highly impressed with SunTec India’s development team expertise.

Noel Tomilson, VP of Sales

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