Web Application Testing Services

Let our experts test your web apps for functionality, compatibility, performance, and compliance via integrated automated & manual testing

Agile Testing for Functional Web Apps

Our QA and testing experts ensure your web applications run smoothly without unexpected slowdowns or glitches. Leveraging modern and automated testing methods and tools like Appium, Selenium, and Docker. We test web portals, SaaS applications, and enterprise solutions (CRM, ERP systems, etc.) for functionality, compatibility, and performance across multiple devices and browsers.

Being a trusted web application testing company, we provide full-cycle support for:

  • Test case creation and planning
  • Test environment setup and framework development
  • Test automation with CI/CD pipeline (Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions)
  • Bug reporting and defect tracking
  • Integration with Agile methodologies and DevOps practices

Our Web Application Testing Services

Get comprehensive test coverage with our end-to-end web app testing services. We can work as an extension of your software development team, testing features and scenarios relevant to the project's needs.

Functional Testing

Verify all the functions of your web application are working properly. We check the app’s performance against specified functional requirements.

  • Negative and positive testing
  • Responsive design testing across devices and viewports
  • UI component testing (menus, buttons, and controls)
  • Core functionality testing (navigation, forms, data input/output, calculations)

Compatibility Testing

Let our experts check your web application's compatibility across platforms, browsers, and operating systems to ensure smooth operation on all devices.

  • Functional testing on the latest and legacy browser versions
  • Cross-browser testing (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.)
  • Testing on real devices and emulators/simulators
  • Responsive design testing for different screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile)

System Integration Testing

Validate the functionality and compatibility of interconnected systems for safe and appropriate interactions between different systems.

  • Integration testing via big bang, top-down, incremental, and bottom-up methods
  • Regression testing after integration changes or updates
  • Testing of APIs, web services, and middleware integrations
  • Network and communication protocol testing
  • Database integration testing

Performance & Load Testing

We manage high data and user volumes efficiently, ensuring there are no bottlenecks.We identify and fix failure points through rigorous web app performance testing.

  • Load testing with virtual users
  • Endurance/soak testing for sustained loads
  • Stress and scalability testing
  • Page speed and rendering optimization

Usability & Accessibility Testing

Improve your web application's navigation and functionality to make it more user-friendly and accessible for the intended audience, including people with disabilities.

  • UI/UX design evaluation and recommendation
  • Accessibility testing for WCAG, Section 508, and ADA standards
  • Screen reader and keyboard navigation testing
  • Color contrast and visual impairment testing
  • Assistive technology compatibility testing

Security & Compliance Testing

Fortify web applications against cyber threats. Our web app security testing experts identify and mitigate vulnerabilities while ensuring adherence to regulatory standards.

  • Security validation across hybrid environments (Identity and access management, data encryption & privacy testing)
  • Source code review and penetration testing
  • OWASP Top 10 security risks testing
  • PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR compliance testing

Test Faster, Launch Sooner

  • Detect bugs quickly
  • Enhance user engagement
  • Mitigate security risks

Tools we Use for Automated Web App Testing

Why Choose SunTec India as your Web App Testing Company?

With 95% of recurring clients, we are a trusted web app testing service provider for tech startups and Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Some of our key strengths that help us to exceed our client expectations include:

Human-AI Integrated Approach

We follow a synergistic approach combining human expertise with AI-powered automation for maximum test coverage. AI handles repetitive tests at scale, while our QA experts design test cases, perform analysis, and handle errors with precision.

Flexible Engagement Models

We offer custom pricing models that adapt to your project requirements. Choose the level of involvement that suits your needs and scale the assigned web app testing team up and down when needed.

Timely Reporting

Get detailed reports with key KPIs (error rate, defect leakage, task completion rate, etc.) at pre-defined intervals to assess testing efficiency. A project manager will assist you with queries/updates and work in accordance with your time zone.

NDA for Data Security

We implement robust data security measures, including adherence to non-disclosure agreements, to safeguard your proprietary data and other sensitive information throughout our engagement.

Our Web App Testing Workflow

  • Planning

    We analyze your requirements, define test scenarios, design test cases, and establish testing strategies.

  • Test Execution

    Utilizing automated and manual techniques, we perform functional, usability, compatibility, security, and performance testing.

  • Defect Tracking & Handling

    We log and prioritize bugs (via Jira, Bugzilla, MantisBT, and GitHub Issues) and work with developers to manage defects.

  • Reporting & Maintenance

    We provide detailed test reports, recommend improvements, and offer post-deployment support.


We prioritize data security and compliance through rigorous measures like data encryption, secure test environments, access controls, and adherence to industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). Additionally, we regularly audit our processes and provide comprehensive training to our team on secure data handling and regulatory compliance.

We maintain open and transparent communication through regular status meetings, collaborative tools (Slack, Skype, Zoom, etc), and shared documentation. As a dedicated point of contact, our project manager facilitates seamless collaboration with your development team.

We primarily use Selenium for web app testing due to its flexibility, cross-browser compatibility, and robust community support. However, we evaluate each project's specific requirements (e.g., technology stack, testing needs) and may recommend alternative frameworks like Cypress, Appium, or TestNG when appropriate.

Automation scripts undergo continuous maintenance and version control using Git or similar tools. We have a defined process for refactoring and updating scripts to accommodate application changes, ensuring our automation test suite remains up-to-date and reliable.

Client Success Stories It’s about results

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Client Speak
The team is very adaptive, efficient, and communicative. All the developers who worked on my project maintained professionalism, quality work, and demonstrated excellent development skills throughout the project. Very impressed.

Moah Thomas, Founder

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