Product Listings: Striking A Balance Between Search Engines And Buyers


Most of the marketplace sellers feel content crafting a perfect product listing but do not ensure it is in line with the search engine rules or algorithm.Oddly enough, this holds true for every marketplace, with Amazon being no exception. You might optimize your listings with keywords, in an attempt to make them rank higher in the search results, but unless your copy is enticing enough for the audience, it won’t do you any good. Now, that’s a catch-22 situation, wouldn’t you say?

Luckily for you, there’s a way out. There are a few elements, four, to be precise, which when worked on, can help you strike a balance, and ensure that both the search engines and your audience take a liking to your listings. Without further ado, let’s get down to business, and discuss these elements, one by one:

  • SEO-driven keywords

    Start off by including the targeted keywords in your product title, but do make sure you don’t go overboard. In fact, might we suggest that you only focus on the most essential keywords, more so because overstuffing would defeat the very purpose of crafting an Amazon product listing in the first place? Also, try and distribute your keywords evenly. Placing them after every 100 to 200 words should suffice. And yes, feel free to use the variations, if any. Take, for example, the phrase, “ladies handbags”. By including keywords like “handbags for ladies” and “womens handbags,” you can boost a listing’s visibility, and possibly reach out to a far wider audience.

  • Comprehensive product descriptions

    The more detailed your descriptions are, the better they’ll perform. But then, don’t keep beating around the bush or even worse, make false claims. You may be able to grab the audience’s attention for a while, but it would do you more harm than good in the long run. Not to mention, if the buyers decide to file an Amazon A-to-Z claim, you risk increasing the seller order defect rate (ODR). Coming back to the descriptions, they should highlight the benefits that’ll solve the buyers’ pain points. Do keep in mind that a mere mention of the benefit won’t do, and you’d have to elaborate. Let’s say, you sell a mobile phone, one that comes with the latest version of Bluetooth. Now, merely naming the Bluetooth version won’t serve any purpose, and the buyers would want to know if the said version would help them connect their phones to nearby devices.

  • User-friendly formatting

    First impression is the indeed the last one, especially when the buyers skim through your listings. We say “skim” because with millions of listings on the marketplace, they can’t be expected to read each of them, word by word. On that note, they’ll simply check out the first bullet point you use, and move on to the next listing, if they don’t like what they see. So, you need to place your product’s best attributes in the very first bullet to draw in their attention. Get an Amazon product management expert to do it for you, if you don’t know the drill. Then of course you always go for “all caps”, at least for the most important features. Lastly, make sure you keep the bullet points short.

  • Attention-grabbing visuals

    Goes without saying, only high-resolution pictures can save the day. Do, however, make it a point to follow Amazon’s recommendation of using pictures that are at least 1,000 pixels in height or width. And by all means, include multiple photos, making up for the lack of physical interaction, the buyers are usually exposed to, at brick-and-mortar stores. Then again, if you edit the photos you use, there’s nothing it. A little bit of shadow reduction or say, contrast adjustment, can go a long way in making your products stand out.

Grab The Opportunity With SunTec India

A product listing is nothing short of an elevator pitch, and can help you get your point across. With a little more focus on what the buyers want, you can easily create one that does the job. And if you are not sure of how to go about it, you can of course leave it to the professionals. Here, at Suntec India, we have a team of experts, experienced enough to know what goes into making a good listing. Reach out to us at

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