UNSPSC Data Classification Services

Streamline your Procurement Process with Accurate Product Labels

The United Nations Standard Products and Services' Code is an open, cross-sector and global standard for classification of products and services. It helps in better spending analysis, procuring goods in a cost-effective manner and tapping the utmost potential of eCommerce opportunities.

The taxonomy consists of 4 levels- Segment, Family, Class and Commodity, coded as an 8-digit number, each level presenting 2 bits. There is an optional fifth level that adds 2 more digits to the code.

SunTec India’s UNSPSC Data classification services help to penetrate product classification right at its foundational level. Our experts help in preparing organized information pertaining to what type of materials you buy and in what quantity and other related details to help you analyse, plan and forecast what you spend. As a bigger picture, our UNSPSC coding services help in adding significant value to your business by considerably enhancing the health of your financial decisions.

Need for UNSPSC Data Classification Services

Better Spending Analysis

Effective products and services procurement aids in monitoring your ROI thereby guiding your future transactions.

Easy Catalog Searches

A structured classification makes it easier to identify which product needs to be requisitioned. In this way, the procurement process becomes simplified.

Expand Scope for New Opportunities

A rigorous data classification helps in ensuring cost-savings thereby paving the way for a host of new opportunities like eCommerce and spend management systems.

Businesses usually need UNSPSC data classification services when they start a project like one of the following.

  • Data cleansing and data enrichment
  • CMMS upgrade or first-time implementation
  • ERP upgrade or first-time implementation
  • Analytics platform implementation or upgrade
  • Bills of Materials (BOM) analysis
  • Data migration

However, our UNSPSC coding services also extend to custom business specifications. We conduct a thorough requirement analysis before determining if and how the UNSPSC system can be implemented to suit your objectives well.

Our Data Classification Lifecycle

Our UNSPSC data classification services help in adding significant value to your data. Our data classification experts deploy the UNSPSC code in two folds-

  • Conduct a rigorous web-based search of supplier's products or services.
  • Based on the description of the products/ services, we assign the UNSPSC code to the lowest possible level.

While allotting codes, we abide by the latest version of the code set to ensure that your data gets classified in accordance with the latest updates. At SunTec India, we undertake the expenditure analysis at grouping levels pertinent to your business needs.


Why Outsource UNSPSC Data Classification Services to SunTec India?

When you avail UNSPSC Data Classification Services from SunTec India, you get actionable information to help you with informed business decisions and enhanced efficiency. We untangle various complexities to optimize your spend management by categorizing your crucial business data using a universal standard.

By implementing the UNSPSC code, we not only aid in ensuring accuracy of data but speed up your business cycle thereby fuelling your efficiency.

Benefits of Outsourcing UNSPSC Data Classification Services to SunTec India

  • Accurate transaction item identification
  • Better visibility
  • Centralized procurement process
  • Better pricing
  • Reduced inventory issues
  • Better budgeting
  • Better expense forecasting
  • Strategic sourcing

A Sample Representation of UNSPSC Coding

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are smaller versions of standard fluorescent lamps, consuming between 5 to 40 watts. Unlike standard fluorescent lamps, they can directly replace standard incandescent bulbs.

Each two bits represent one level in UNSPSC

level in UNSPSC


Discuss with us!

To know more about how our UNSPSC Data Classification Services can add value to your business, you can contact us or drop us a line at info@suntecindia.com.